This is my third time attending HGTV'S summer block party, and it was really chill and cute as per usual. The event was held at the Union Park event space in Manhattan, from 12pm to 8pm on August 19th. The mixer featured several panel discussions throughout the day with influencers and editors from the magazine, followed by a mix & mingling reception at 6pm. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the day panels, but I made the reception and so thought I'd share some of my pics with you.
this was a cute little beach-themed station to chill and take pictures, with the
HGTV logo carved from real sand.
cute D I Y interactive paint stations
complimentary beach towels with personalized initials, or beach visuals
like a starfish, trees...etc. I snagged one with a starfish :)
D I Y station for making woven handmade plant holders
Photo Credit: Latain Palmer